
Comment from Dave

I’ve always believed “characterization” well developed makes for the “greatest reads”…I’ll never forget your paragraphs describing the sailor arriving at the naval base,finding his way to the quarters amidst all the guys’ dialogue…please keep up the good work and all your readers will ensure you become a multi millionaire if you aren’already….and if you aren’t you should be…dave
Dave, I’m glad you liked that scene. The officer quarters at the Pearl sub base, and many of the other buildings around there, were still the ones that stood during WWII, so I could kind of walk in the path of the character Wright. I’m certainly not a millionaire yet, otherwise I’d be churning books out at a faster pace. On that note, I apologize for not updating the News site more often. Rest assured, I’m hard at work on the next book. Unfortunately, I don’t have a release date yet. I promise I will update the News page soon. Thanks for your great comments! All Best – RCC