
Comment from Peter

Dear Commander Cooke: I enjoyed STS so much I cannot wait to get my hands on the other books. As a retired 30 year Navy man albeit a skimmer with significant surface warfare experience and limited submarine knowlege (associated with Polaris, Posiedon and Trident weapons systems both in and later out of the Navy) I did manage to survive WWII, Korea and Viet Nam–not so sure about hurricanes in Florida where I live, I must commend you on the accuracy and really good writing. While I do not wish to nit pick such a fine novel, it does refer to the UCMJ which was not the governing legal text in WWII. UCMJ came along with the creation of the Department of Defense which tried to unify all the services under one legal system. “Articles for the Governing of the Navy” also known as “Rocks and Shoals” provided the legal framework for Navy Discipline prior to the UCMJ. Best wishes for many more great books… Resp’y Peter, CDR USN (RET).
Dear Peter, Thanks so much for the thoughtful comments. It sounds like you got around quite a bit in your career. Thanks for your service. I hope my inadequate novels come as close as they could to portraying some of the events you and your shipmates actually experienced. Thank you for pointing out my errors, too. I’ll make a note for my future works. Thanks again for the great comments! – Very Respectfully Yours – RCC